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About CPHA

Our Mission

Communities Planning and Housing Association (CPHA) is a community engagement organization that builds strength and unity among diverse communities in the Baltimore region by providing ideas, training, leadership, advocacy, and programs to communities.

Our Vision

CPHA is the catalyst for civic action to bring about a healthy, inclusive Baltimore, with economically vibrant communities and opportunities for all people

AquĆ­ en CPHA, vemos el valor en todos. Queremos ser un catalizador para un cambio positivo y, desde nuestros comienzos en el aƱo 2000, nos han impulsado las mismas ideas sobre las que fundamos inicialmente nuestra organizaciĆ³n sin fines de lucro: apoyo, empoderamiento y progreso. Obtenga mĆ”s informaciĆ³n sobre nuestra misiĆ³n, nuestra visiĆ³n y cĆ³mo hacemos los cambios que queremos ver.

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