Danise Jones-Dorsey
A proven leader, Danise Jones Dorsey uses her creativity to resolve problems, mobilization skills to encourage people to action, and her gift to foster
“Esprit de corps” among stakeholders to facilitate the formation of lasting cooperation.
Ms. Jones-Dorsey, an anti-poverty activist, has a rich background administering and managing human service delivery program: and fighting material poverty. She says “my professional and volunteer life has provided me the opportunity to contribute to the elimination of societal structures that perpetuate material poverty, undermine family life, and destroy communities.”
Community Development
Jones-Dorsey served more than 11 years in the administration of former Baltimore Mayor Kurt L. Schmoke. She served as Baltimore’s workforce unit manager for the Baltimore Empowerment Zone, working with the community and local businesses to help residents get and retain jobs.
She also served as staff aide to the Baltimore Director of Community and Neighborhood Relations and the Director of the Mayor’s Station Program; Chief of Field Operations for the Urban Service Agency; interim director of the Housing Authority of Baltimore City; acting executive director for the East Monument Street Initiative(forerunner for HEBCAC); liaison to the Sandtown-Winchester Community; and technical assistance specialist for Empower Baltimore Management Corporation.
Baltimore African-American Home Builders Cooperative (BAAHBC)
Baltimore Housing Roundtable Community Land Trust (CLT) movement
Northeast Housing Initiative (NEHI) Community initiative
Management oversight
Liaison to the Sandtown-Winchester Community
Acting Executive Director for the East Monument Street initiative for-runner to HEBCAC
Interim Deputy Commissioner for the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) (Housing Management)
As a community building organizer, Danise uses her insights and oral communication skills to move groups to their “eureka moments.”
Volunteer Roles
As a volunteer, Danise currently serves as
Spokesperson in the documentary “The History of Structural Racism in Baltimore” produced by Associated Black Charity (ABC-MD) and the ASPEN group.
Chair, for SHARE
Chair, of the Northeast Housing Initiative (NEHI) (A Community Land Trust)
Advisor to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)committee
Member of the local advisory board for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)
Continental Societies Incorporated (CSI) National Audit Committee
Continental Societies Incorporated (CSI) Prince Georges County Chapter Financial Secretary
Life member for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
……and has served as
Chair, Baltimore African American Homebuilders Cooperative (BAAHBC)
Member in “good standing” Anne Arundel Chapter of the Continental Societies Inc. (AA CSI)
AA CSI Ways & Means chair
Board member Black Mental Health Alliance (BMHA)
Member of Circle of Friends for Black Mental Health Alliance (BMHA)
Member of Govans Ecumenical Development Corporation (GEDCO) board
Member of the Parish Pastoral Council for St. Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church in Baltimore, Maryland.
Member of the church’s Finance Committee
Member of the steering committee for the Baltimore Archdiocese’s Beyond the Boundaries program
Member of the Committee of 100 for Associated Black Charities (ABC)
Chair for Woodbourne Inc.
Chair for Maryland Children’s Action Network (MD CAN)
National board member for NETWORK (A national Catholic Social Justice Lobby)
Member of the Faith Fund Board of Directors
Member of Harlem Park Revitalization Committee Board of Directors
Danise is the widow of the late Rodger Charles Dorsey.
She has two sons Joseph 48 and Robert 38. Danise has two grandchildren.
Granddaughter KamaRa Isis Dorsey is 14. Grandson Aaron Tomoya Harris is 9!
Danise delights in her grandchildren’s demonstrated desire to learn and to be self-reliant.